Assessment & Training

Research & Publications

John has been researching the area of child bereavement for a number of years and has been involved in several book projects, as well as having had several articles published in journals, as shown in this section.

More recently he has been working with Kids in Hull on project to SEND legilation, with Gabriella Pell. The first project related to parental preceptions of the recent SEND legislation, the second to the emotional impact on parents with a child having SEND issues, and these have both been published in journals. The third project related to the differences between 'visible' and 'invisible' SEND, and this has been submitted for publication.

A project with Susan Wilkinson relating to bereavement support for educational psychologists is currently being written up for publication.

John has active ongoing research projects at a variety of stages and is always interested in collaborative research or new projects


Dr John Holland

Chartered Educational Psychologist

© John Holland Psychologists Ltd 2007